With so many options when it comes to email list building tools, you may wonder what the best way to go about building up your email list. List builder programs are popular. Just take a minute to look through your inbox of your email (and, don’t forget to check the spam folder, too, since many of these messages will end up there) and see just how many email lists that you are on yourself.
Most people are literally on hundreds of different email lists and may not even know it. Did you actually opt in for the male enhancement mailing list? Probably not. How many offers for Canadian medications do you think you should be asking for? Not many, hopefully. The point is, many of the lists you are on are built through phishing scams, poaching and stealing of email addresses to build an email address database for an email marketing campaign, and then used by spammers to solicit business and traffic for their sites, that are often unrelated to the email campaign in the first place. All they are trying to do is lure you to their site, and, in some instances, you can get malware or viruses from visiting these sites.
What do you do with these messages? Well, if they do not actually get caught up in the spam filter, then chances are you delete them without reading them. It is a good guess to think that most people would do the same. It is truly not a great way to build up an email address database, but it does continue to be a common method.
So, why do people bother with email list scams anyway? Clearly they get enough feedback and enough interest to get people to open them and click through to their site. Advertising money or other offers may actually help these email marketers stay afloat, and sometimes even make decent profits.
Because of all of the spam, most people are hesitant to give out their email address for any type of bulk email opt in. You have to make yours special. The most important thing is to use the right methods for obtaining an email list and developing an email address database.