dōTERRA is a company committed to providing excellence in the world of essential oils, but they also believe in making sure that team members are treated fairly through a great compensation plan. Multi-level marketing companies structure their compensation plans differently, and dōTERRA bases theirs upon the understanding that team members are integral to the success of the company.
As such, everything from initial support during the first weeks of membership to the kind of earnings that you could make are all set up with team members in mind. Taking a closer look can help you see how we work to make sure you are able to earn and to realize your full potential.
Basic Profits
When you become an independent product consultant for dōTERRA, you can earn commission in two different ways – your sales and the sales of your team members. Let’s touch on the basic retail profits related to dōTERRA compensation first.
When you sell, you’ll be able to earn the entire difference between your price and the retail price you sell for. It works just like traditional retail situations – you buy your oils directly from dōTERRA at a reduced, wholesale price. Then when you sell them, you keep the difference. It’s a simple way to earn, and is easy to understand for anyone. This eliminates the needlessly complex formulas that some other MLM programs try to implement, and nets you 25% on retail sales and 9% on preferred customer sales.
Dynamic Compression
Like other MLM programs, dōTERRA compensation is also based upon dynamic compression, also called compressed organizational volume. This essentially means that you will be paid based upon the first seven levels of your team.
For example, if one of your Wellness Advocates fails to meet the monthly requirements for Unilevel commissions, the earnings actually roll upwards to the next Advocate who qualifies. Advocates can earn a 2% commission on the orders of their team members, and that commission could be paid upwards of an advocate doesn’t qualify for the month.
The Power of 3
The other side of dōTERRA compensation is in your percentage from your team. Most who are somewhat familiar with MLM type companies know that the key to better success is bringing on additional consultants as part of your team. And you’ll earn commissions on the sales of the consultants that you sponsor, and even on the consultants that they sponsor.
But dōTERRA also focuses on building better teams, with the Power of 3 Team Bonus. This is a monthly bonus that is paid to those who bring performing consultants onto the dōTERRA team. To qualify, you will need to set up a 100PV Loyalty Rewards order, and you need 3 team members enrolled with you to set up their own 100 PV LRP order.
From here, there are three bonuses you can qualify for:
- $50 Bonus – You’ll qualify for this if you have three Wellness Advocates you personally sponsor and if you build up a total of 600 Team Volume – a sum including personal orders, your frontline orders, retail level orders, and preferred member orders.
- $250 Bonus – This bonus is awarded if all three of your frontline team members also have three team members as part of their Wellness Advocate team, and if they all have a minimum of 600 Team Volume
- $1500 Bonus – If all nine of the Wellness Advocates making up your team bring an additional three members into the dōTERRA family and meet the 600 Team Volume level, you’ll get this big bonus.
The Power of 3 bonus is in addition to other dōTERRA compensation awards and payments you earn, and will be paid on a monthly basis. It can turn into significant rewards if you manage to bring together the right kind of team.
Fast Start Bonus
Sometimes the hardest part of finding success is staying motivated. The Fast Start Bonus is a part of the dōTERRA compensation plan designed to help new team members start earning big rewards for enrolling additional consultants into their organization. In the Fast Start system, you’ll earn 20% on purchases and sales made within a new IPC’s first 60 days, and can apply to three generations of new consultants. This can get you earning fast!
Leadership Bonuses
Joining dōTERRA means starting your own business and moving it towards true success. This means being a great leader, and when you excel in strong organizational leadership you can earn unilevel bonuses of as much as 7% down through seven levels. Additionally, qualified consultant leaders could earn commissions on 6% of the company’s total commissionable sales volume in each individual market. That translates to even more earnings potential for you.
In short, becoming a better leader can help you transition from being just a retail business into something that delivers even larger rewards – the better you lead your team and contribute to dōTERRA, the better the compensation you could get back as a result.
The Big Benefits Of dōTERRA Compensation
You likely already know that dōTERRA is a company that cares about its customers and about its consultant teams. And reviewing the different compensation programs set up through the company, it’s easy to see some of the benefits it can offer. Here are some of the key ones:
- Easier to understand compensation – you earn just like a traditional retail store thanks to low wholesale prices.
- Additional ways to earn – the huge number of potential bonuses means that you can find different ways to make the system work for you. There are basics to understand and track, but you can make even more through various incentive programs offered by dōTERRA.
- Fast earnings – the Fast Start system provides a way to keep you and your team motivated, earning fast and getting bonuses in the process.
In short, you get more ways to earn, easy to understand compensation pay scales, and bonuses that can help your team perform even better than they would naturally. It’s a system designed to help you succeed, which is why dōTERRA continues to attract top earners and marketers.
Planning to close more leads and grow your downline for your dōTERRA business? Then, let the Yoobly team help you today.
We’re a premier multi level marketing list provider that prides itself in including everything you might need to accomplish your business goals. We offer quality dōTERRA training, unparalleled support and cutting-edge marketing systems. You’re bound to acquire the skills you need to automate your sales funnel, grow your downline and close more leads.
Since its establishment, Listguy has been working closely together with dōTERRA network marketers in order to build a bridge between home business and online marketing.