This is the Business Opportunity Seeker Database You’ve been looking for!!
Our source spends thousands per month in national advertising targeting folks interested in MLM, Network Marketing & Home Based Business – these are real business opportunity seekers!! Reaching potential prospects through email, websites and various off-line publications. He has designed the ads to try and weed out the “tire kickers” and get right to the “ready to buy” ers…
You are the beneficiary of his years of advertising expertise. The folks on this list are truly anxious to receive info on business opportunities. They are prepared to form new relationships and build new alliances. They are waiting for your letter, call or email NOW!!
Having a hard time deciding if a mailing or phone list is what you are looking for? Or would you rather go with an email list?? The reasoning usually has something to do with “automation” – how email only makes sponsoring “no-personal-contact”… You know, it’s possible to sponsor people without any personal contact, BUT, most people want (or need) some degree of personal contact. So we offer 3 different ways for you to contact them – mail, telephone or email. You get to choose whichever method is most comfortable for you.
With this powerful list you will be able to reach these Qualified Business Opportunity-Seekers right away, while their interest is still high. Through postal contact, telephone and email combined, you have a much better chance to “connect” on a long-term basis for a long-term business and personal ALLIANCE..
If you or your organization need FRESH, HOT, NEW business opportunity seeking prospects on a weekly or monthly basis, you will NOT be sorry with this list!!
Business Opportunity Seekers
Need a HotList more than 5000?
Please Call for special pricing.