Do you market to Doctors? This list contains over 1/2 million individual medical physicians.
You can contact influential people by either mail, phone, fax or email address. An additional bonus to this list is the fact that it includes the main two specialties practiced by the doctors. Imagine how effective your campaign will be when you are able to target individual specialists!!While virtually all the records have a fax number, you can well image that many physicians share an office, and also the same fax number. You can choose to send a fax to every doctor, even the ones at the same fax, or you can send only 1 fax to each fax number – no duplicate faxes per office. We have approx 196,000 unique physicians fax #s.List includes the following fields:
Available info: Practice Name, Physicians Name, Full Address, Phone, Fax, Specialty 1, Specialty 2.