We try to have a listing of every business fax number in the US. While almost every business in America has a fax number, many are not listed. Our job is to find ALL the fax numbers in the US. When you send a fax broadcast, you want to know that it is fresh and connectable. Our fax list is fresh, and updated quarterly, so you are assured of the highest number of connections. You will be amazed at how many new sales prospects and business leads you will have respond to your faxing.
Now you need to choose the parameters for your list.
First determine WHO do you want to send a message to?
The easiest way to target a certain type of businesses is through SIC codes – Standard Industrial Codes – the number that the government uses to catagorize every type of business. Here is a page that make it easy to determine which SIC’s you can use to target your list.
SIC Code Search: http://www.naicscode.com
Then ask yourself “WHERE do I want to target?”
We can separate the list by Zip Codes, Metro Areas, Area Codes, States, Regions… If you want a certain area then please specify in the “list details” section of your order. These records will include a minimum of the company name, mailing address, phone number, and fax number. Some records will include contact name/title information as well.