Arkansas may be most famous for having sent President Clinton to the White House. However, it is also a place where business is done and where business to business sales flourish. That’s the theory anyway. Of course, B2B sales only happen when you can actually reach out to a purchasing manager at the company and make a pitch to them for your products. If you can’t then it’s really tough to make those kinds of sales. That’s why you really need a good Arkansas business to business e-mail list.
An Arkansas B2B list will help you to build connections with the decision makers at the various companies in the state. These are the people who have purchase orders ready to go and who have to make decisions on what to buy every day. You can get a piece of that action if you actually reach out to them and offer them something of value. These purchasing managers will be looking for good value and good customer service.
Of course, all that is academic without first reaching out to them. Now sure you could try to contact these people by looking at the company website, calling the switchboard and then hoping that they’ll actually let you speak to the person in charge of purchasing. However, that’s a really slow and tedious process. Never mind that you need to make your way through layers of different secretaries, receptionists and other gate keepers. If you want to cut through all of that and make your way right to the source, you need a good Arkansas business to business list.
Our lists are some of the best available for rent anywhere on the web. At ListGuy, we pride ourselves on being a company with a long reputation behind it. We stand with our customers because we understand that they are the lifeblood of our company. That’s why we’ve been able to stay in business and grow at an exponential rate while so many other companies have simply disappeared into the ether of the World Wide Web.
In fact, we’ve been around for longer than Google because we’ve developed a level of trust from our customers that is unmatched by most of our competitors. Of course, we’re not just sitting on our laurels and saying how wonderful we are either. ListGuy has been working actively to create quality e-mail lists which are tailored to your needs. That’s why we’re proud to offer customized e-mail lists. You can rent a list from us based on the type of business you want to sell to (i.e. only doctor’s offices – after all, most other companies wouldn’t be interested in buying tongue depressors). You can also specify only companies within a specific zip code. This means that you can target all of Little Rock or even just a portion of the city, depending on how your business is structured.
You can also target specific titles at companies. This means for example that you can contact only the vice president of marketing at a company or you can contact only the purchasing agent. Our lists are also kept up to date. We provide e-mail lists which have been carefully vetted to ensure that you will pretty much never get an e-mail from someone at a company saying that the person you wrote to hasn’t been with them for the past ten years.
We also like to ensure that our customers get everything they need. That means that we won’t simply sell you an e-mail list with Arkansas business names on it. We provide a full range of services for all of our customers. That means for example that if you need help with writing the e-mails you’ll send out to your new customers, we can help you with it. Need help writing a squeeze page? We’ve got you covered. In fact, we can even offer you discounts on additional e-mail lists when you’re ready to expand your business. By the way, we don’t just offer e-mail lists either. We can also help you with your SEO needs. Our sister company, Yoobly can provide you with local Arkansas SEO services which will get you ranked on Google so that you can attract customers and solidify your lead over the competition.
As a customer of ListGuy, we’ll also send you our exclusive newsletter. It’s packed with helpful ideas about how to maximize your e-mail list so that you can make more money from the people whom you sell to. In short, we pride ourselves on providing you with everything you could possibly need to make your business into the success story you know that it can be.
But hey – don’t take our word for it. Just check out the companies that do business with us and you’ll see that you are in great company when you rent a list from ListGuy. We’ve been there for everyone from small mom and pop companies to massive multinationals and we’ll be there for you too. ListGuy is after all one of the premier list rental services on the Web.
So what are you waiting for? Your Arkansas B2B list is available and in stock right now. But don’t wait too long – unlike some of our competitors, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our lists are fresh and not oversaturated. We won’t rent you a list which 100,000 other people have already hit up for sales. That means that you need to act right away in order to ensure that you get the best list available.
If you’re not sure what you need, you can still call us. Our consultants are experts at mailing lists and we can help you figure out exactly what kind of e-mail list you’ll need in order to make your Arkansas business to business company a huge success story. So don’t wait another minute. Call us today and let us show you what so many of your fellow Arkansans have already figured out – that we have the best business to business e-mail lists around along with the best service anywhere. Call today.